Salitter Spiritual Wellness Studio Salitter Spiritual Wellness Studio

How to disengage from the “matrix”

When we apply the knowledge we have gained is when everything starts to shift. It is so easy to get lost in the rabbit hole and binge on information once we begin to learn the truth. That is only a place we can stay for so long before we get stuck. Take action. Network with your tribe and collaborate on things that are needed in your area. Start walking down the path to becoming sovereign and own it…

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Salitter Spiritual Wellness Studio Salitter Spiritual Wellness Studio

Higher Self Guided Meditation

How do you know you are making the best decision when you are at a crossroads?

Often we will go to others for advice. It can be difficult to discern what is the best way to go, or thing to do, or way to be. The only place we can truly get the best answer is when we go IN…

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Salitter Spiritual Wellness Studio Salitter Spiritual Wellness Studio


Dr. Hawkins proposed that most people are living at a vibration of about 200 (courage). This has a lot to do with the way people have learned to live their lives. The thoughts you think make up the way you feel and the way you feel has a heck of a lot to do with the way your external environment plays out for you…

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