How to disengage from the “matrix”

Lately I have been seeing that people are having this concern. By now most of us know that there is much more to the stories we are being told and have dived into the rabbit holes and discovered many hidden truths. But now what? Find your tribe. Build the New Earth. Much easier said than done. My best advice is to get creative and apply the knowledge you have been gathering. That being said, I have written up my own list of ways that I have found beneficial to becoming more sovereign.

  1. Reduce Stress - Stress keeps us in a reactive state and in order to disengage we must get proactive. Maybe you know where you want to get to but you can’t figure out your way there. You need to be in the proper mindset to solve difficult problems like this. Stop thinking about the problem and go out for a walk or a hike. Moving your body is a huge help with things like this. Get yourself into a relaxed state and then look at the problem. You can do this in bite sized steps. Maybe you need to stop a habit or cut something out or place a boundary with someone. Make some room and then fill that space with things that bring you peace.

  2. Stop Consuming Poison - Learning to cook for yourself is the best way to have control over the ingredients in your food. There are also different places to shop where the ingredients are more reliable. Every time you give money to a company you are ‘choosing’ them over another one. Are you making good choices? Have you discovered local or family owned companies that offer similar things but they have better ingredients? Maybe you can start a community garden. Have you started learning how to grow your own food? This is not as difficult as you may think. Hydroponic gardens are a wonderful way to have fresh salad greens and herbs all year with barely any maintenance. You can have a black thumb and the systems will grow things anyway. I have had a Garden for almost a year now and its been one of the best purchases I’ve made. Heres a link for more information and a discount.

  3. Plan for the Worst but Hope for the Best - Have you made a plan for what you would do if the grid did go down? This is not the most fun idea to think about but it is important to give yourself peace of mind. Keeping warm and having food & water are priority. Do you need to get a generator or have extra wood stored? Do you have a supply of canned and/or dried food to keep you fed? Collaborating with local friends or family members about these things is a great way to go if you find yourself stuck in some way. Make a plan with people to meet at a certain place and time if needed. Gather a box of supplies that you would need on hand so if something does happen - you have everything together. Get creative.

  4. Learn to be Responsible for Your Own Wellbeing - Start with basic first aid knowledge and a kit. Learn about herbs you can use that are probably already growing as ‘weeds’ in your yard. There are many books on this and adding some to your library to have on hand could be a lifesaver. ‘The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies’ By Nicole Apelian is very useful. You don’t necessarily need to be creating you own salves and tinctures - there are herbal shops that sell these things. I also like to keep some fermented honey with ginger and garlic on hand for when someone starts to get sick. I have found it clears things up in about 3 days or less if taken 3x/day. Improving your diet can cure many chronic problems. Everyone is different so I suggest learning to tune into your own body’s needs. Lastly, look into a wholistic Dr., herbalist, coach, or healer you can consult with for more complicated issues.

  5. Cut Materialism Spending - Most of us have been programmed to be obsessed with stuff and retail therapy. What if we all spent more money on experiences & memories, and less on materialistic items? Be honest with yourself and your spending habits. Are you throwing your money at companies that you trust and want to see grow or is it just out of convenience? Are you stressed all the time because you need to work long hard hours to support your spending habits? Could you find more time and peace if you adjusted where your money is going? This can range from small tweaks to a complete life overhaul. Take it one step at a time.

  6. Do a Media Detox - We are constantly being bombarded by social media, the main stream media, commercials, the radio etc.. They are all telling us what they want us to be focused on. But what if you disconnected from that and were only aware of what YOU wanted to be focused on? The more that I have disconnected from this the more my own guidance has kicked in and kept me up to date and even ahead of the curve. If you want to be informed get your information from your friends and family. Its easy to know what is going on in your world when you know what is happening in the people’s lives that are in your circle.

  7. Limit Technology - I’m sure we are all guilty of spending too much time relying on technology. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. I think technology is wonderful if used appropriately. It’s when we get distracted by it and miss important signs or synchronicities that it can start to hinder our journey. When we use technology as a way to avoid feeling bored or awkward it causes us to disassociate from our life. How can you use technology in a more mindful and intentional way?

  8. Take Education into Your Own Hands - Whether you have children or not - education is super important. We should always be learning and able to educate ourselves on things we are interested in or find important. Building your own library is a great way to make sure you have information on hand no matter what - I have suggestions in the Recommended Reading page. When it comes to your children - make sure you know and are on board with the things they are being taught in school. Get involved if you need to or find an alternative way for them to learn the appropriate knowledge to grow into a happy, self-sufficient adult. Homeschooling is becoming more and more common. Look for groups or network with other parents for co-op or pod opportunities in your area.

When we apply the knowledge we have gained is when everything starts to shift. It is so easy to get lost in the rabbit hole and binge on information once we begin to learn the truth. That is only a place we can stay for so long before we get stuck. Take action. Network with your tribe and collaborate on things that are needed in your area. Start walking down the path to becoming sovereign and own it.


Higher Self Guided Meditation