The Hawkins Scale below, created by Dr. David R. Hawkins; shows the calibrations of the different human emotions on a sliding scale.
Dr. Hawkins proposed that most people are living at a vibration of about 200 (courage). This has a lot to do with the way people have learned to live their lives. When you are living in a lower emotional state - you will attract lower vibrational things and experiences. Maybe you know of a really negative person where everything just seems to go wrong for them. Or you have noticed how certain people seem to have it all together and everything magically goes their way. The thoughts you think make up the way you feel and the way you feel has a heck of a lot to do with the way your external environment plays out for you.
People are able to pick up on emotions - it is hardwired into our being. So when you feel good - good people show up and you will have higher vibrational interactions. This is something everyone can improve upon and when you as an individual raise your own vibration - it will inspire the people who surround you to do the same. This ripple effect will create a much more enjoyable experience for all. What you do to yourself - you do unto others.
When we are in an expanded vibrational frequency (love and above) we are able to influence our world. The universe is love and responds to love. In order to live the life you desire and to have everything go well for you - you need to be in these higher frequencies. Think of each emotion like a radio station - whatever you are tuned to is what you will experience - it will be mirrored back to you. If you are experiencing something negative then you need to tune into a different frequency and in time your outer world will ‘match up’.
The following are quick and easy ways that you can learn to raise your vibration. These are great for everyone to learn and to also teach our children. It is much easier to learn these things while we are young and create solid habits to keep us on a higher timeline from the beginning.
Clear out your physical space - Look at it this way - everything holds a frequency. That frequency can be influenced by your thoughts. If there are items in your home that you don’t like or maybe remind you of a negative event or person then these things can be subconsciously influencing you in a negative way. If it doesn’t ‘spark joy’ - you don’t need it. This process is also a great way to ‘make room’ for something better. You only have so much room in your life for things, so for something new and better to come in you need to get rid of the old. Your outer environment is a reflection of your inner environment. If you have lots of clutter and you feel like your house is a mess then this will be adding stress in the background for you. Getting rid of dust in those hard to reach spaces a couple times per year will dramatically improve your mood. Sage is also a great way to energetically ‘clean’ your space and can be used anytime you feel uneasy in your space or after guests have left.
Get grounded - This might be the most simple thing. Go walk around outside int the grass barefoot or lay down on the ground. This is a great technique to implement into a daily routine. Studies have reported benefits in healing many issues related to inflammation, pain, mood and even sleep. The earth is wonderful at transmuting energy so let it work for you. Take 5 minutes daily and notice how you feel!
*If you are feeling really low - try this exercise: Sit with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Close your eyes and take a couple deep breaths. Imagine white light coming down from above and into the top of your head and into each chakra. Imagine the colors lighting up as the light fills you and descends (purple in the center of your head, blue at your throat, green at your heart, yellow above your navel, orange below your navel and red between your legs). Hold this until you feel your feet start to tingle - you are now fully grounded.
Gratitude - This is something that is great to incorporate into a night time routine. Take 5 minutes every evening or maybe around the dinner table with your family and talk about 3-5 things that you are grateful for each day. this could be something as small as a stranger smiling at your or making it through a tough day. Training your mind to look on the bright side and find the silver lining will make more silver linings appear! No matter what happens in life - you can always find something to be grateful for. This is especially important when something ‘bad’ happens. Life is completely subjective so when you decide something to be ‘bad’ you are aligning with a lower frequency. Focus on releasing your expectations and finding gratitude. If you can learn to have gratitude for the things that you desire but don’t already have - that is where the magic happens.
You are what you eat - Are you aware of where your food is coming from? Again, everything stores energy - if you are consuming meat from an animal that was raised in a poor environment that was fed GMOs and experienced stress on a regular basis - that is in turn entering your body. The same goes with everything else you consume. Was your food prepared with love and care or by someone who is under stress and unhappy with their job? Unfortunately, it is not always possible to consume high vibrational foods and drink all the time but there is something you can do to transform that energy. There is a reason why people say grace before they eat and it is literally transforming the energy of your food to gratitude. You can do this silently if you wish but taking a moment to ‘bless’ your food or drink with love will transform it into a higher vibration. Your intention and thoughts of gratitude, love, joy or peace will help to counteract or add to whatever you consume. Most everything contains water and water is ‘programmable’ through your intention. *Look up Dr. Masaru Emoto for more information on this. It is also important to note that while you are cooking for yourself or others, your vibrational frequency will be transmitted into the food. Holding the intention that you are creating healing nourishment in a meal curated with love will make it so.
Music - We all have a tune that makes us feel really good. Take some time to make a playlist with some of your favorite uplifting songs. Then next time you need a boost - put it on. Be mindful of what you listen to daily as well. The radio has many commercials and interruptions to music - pay attention to the words they are using and decide if you still want to be listening to someone use low vibrational language every few minutes. Classical music calibrates at a vibration of 400+ so this can be really great to listen to while your working or being creative - it will put you into a higher vibrational state. Sound is a very powerful force and the more conscious you are of this the more peace you will experience.
Make friends with the voice inside your head - You are not your thoughts - you are the awareness observing your thoughts. When you learn to observe your thoughts and not be carried away by them, this will help you to maintain your high vibration. Nothing can bring you down faster than a negative thought-form you decide to run away with. Just because you think it - does not make it true. Only when you take that thought and accept it as a belief does it make it true for you. So you can decide - is this something that I want to believe? If not, thank your thinking mind for working for you, and decide what it is that you do want to believe. The more you practice this - the more you and your mind will have a better relationship and your thoughts will become less and less negative. Meditation is very helpful for strengthening this ‘muscle’ of awareness.
Forgiveness - Holding a grudge against someone - no matter what they did, is actually just hurting yourself. You are carrying around that negative energy and whether you know it or not, it is effecting your actions and relationships with others. This is one of the most profound ways to raise your vibration. Start small with say, that person that stole our parking spot and work up from there. When it gets to the big stuff, I like to use this process: think of 3 redeeming qualities or traits that you admire about the individual that wronged you. Hold those things in your mind and really focus on them - then send them love. No one is ALL bad and I guarantee that this person has taught you something very useful. Those types of people in our life are teachers - so thank them for the lesson and they will remove themselves from your life.
Do something nice for someone else - This can be so simple. Smiling at people who make eye contact with you, giving someone a genuine complement or having a nice conversation with a stranger. These small acts can ripple outward very quickly. When you cause someone to feel good - this makes you feel good. Happiness increases when it is shared. So get creative with it - pay a parking ticket that you see on a car, buy groceries for the homeless person that you see standing on the corner looking for work, pay for someones dinner at a restaurant, give your umbrella away to someone that needs it more than you. Be THAT person who someone tells their friends and family about but they don’t even know your name. The key is - not to seek anything in return. If they don’t thank you - that’s ok. Acknowledge it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them and the fact that they didn’t thank you means they definitely needed it more than you will ever realize.