Detox Bath

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. When you take a bath you allow your skin to absorb beneficial substances while flushing out toxins. The salt is what helps this process happen. If you do not have all these ingredients you can of course still do a bath and get similar effects. You can use 2 cups of Dead Sea salt or 2 cups of epsom salt if you do not have the other.

  • The Epsom salt is a big key here and I encourage you to find only Magnesium-Sulfate with no fragrances added. Fragrance is not the same as an essential oil and should be avoided for this practice. The sulfur content assists the body in flushing out toxins and heavy metals. Powerful anti-inflammatory - treats sore muscles and skin inflammations.

  • The baking soda creates an alkaline environment and is very helpful for any skin irritations, itchiness or yeast/fungus issues.

  • The Dead Sea salt contains 10X more minerals than normal sea salt. High magnesium content is beneficial for the heart, bones, & muscles. It is very hydrating and actually helps to improve the skin barrier. Also helps to relieve pain and stress.

1 cup baking soda

1 cup Dead Sea salt

1 cup Epsom salt

1-2 tbs carrier oil (jojoba, coconut, sweet almond)

25 drops essential oils

  • Start by cleaning your space. The less distractions for your bath the better. Put on some relaxing music, light candles, maybe burn some sage or palo Santo, and put your phone on ‘do not disturb’.

  • Fill bath with the hottest water you can stand. Mix in all ingredients.

  • While you are waiting for your bath to fill you can do some dry brushing to help exfoliate your skin and get your blood flowing - you want your skin to be pink from this. Always do brush strokes towards your heart.

  • Relax in the bath for at least 40 minutes. Be sure to bring a big glass of water with you to stay hydrated.

  • Once you are done with the detox it is important to wash away any toxins that can be left on your skin.

  • Carefully get out of the tub - some people experience a light headed feeling after their bath. it is best to rest and keep warm afterwards.


Choose around 3 from this list that stick out to you. Play with the scents - choosing a range of notes to play off each other.

  • Rosemary & Chamomile - to promote sweating and toxin elimination. Strengthening of the nervous system

  • Lavender - good for pretty much everything under the sun - when in doubt use lavender. This is also one of the only essential oils you may use neat - all others need to be used in a carrier oil.

  • Grapefruit & Juniper - to combat accumulation of toxins and water retention.

  • Eucalyptus, Lemongrass & Geranium - improves blood pressure and circulation

* These are suggestions and I encourage you to do your own research.


Diatomaceous Earth Detox