Diatomaceous Earth Detox

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is made up of fossilized algae called diatoms. You may have heard of its use in toothpaste, or even garden/household use for controlling insects. It is a very hard substance that is in a fine powder form. It can be harmful if inhaled or it gets in your eyes - but otherwise completely safe for kids and pets. Make sure you get FOOD GRADE - the other one is not suitable for consumption


  1. Helps flush heavy metals and positively charged toxins from your system.

  2. Naturally kills parasites and viruses in the digestive tract.

  3. Improves joint and bone health because of its silica and and trace mineral content.

  4. Helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure.


Mix 1 teaspoon in water and drink one hour before eating or two hours after eating.

Repeat dose for 10 days, then wait another 10 days before repeating the cycle.

Repeat this for 5 full cycles of 10 days on and 10 days off. This ensures the DE kills parasites in all stages of the reproductive cycle.

*DE can also remove medications from the body so double check with a healthcare/holistic professional.

Apelian, N. PhD & Davis, C. (2021). The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies


Detox Bath